Residency Grant Reporting

We require two types of reports for all grants in our residency grant program.

Before reapplying, we ask that you complete an evaluation of your program.

If some, but not all, of the residencies supported by our funding have been completed, then please still complete the evaluation as fully as possible.

If none of the residencies supported will have taken place by our application deadline, please contact us before applying.

Residency Report (to be completed by your organization)
Please complete the following online report when the programs or opportunities provided by your grant have concluded.

Resident Report (to be completed by your residents):
Please forward the following instructions to any residents who benefited from our grant:

We would like to hear about your recent residency. Your feedback can help us shape SAF’s Residency Grant Program, and your experiences and testimonials may help us raise funds to extend our support to more residencies.

We will share your responses with the residency that hosted you. For their sake and ours, please be as honest as possible in your appraisal. While we all genuinely hope you had a positive stay, it’s also helpful to know if you have any suggestions for improving the experience.

We will share the residents’ responses with you.

If you have any questionsp, please contact us.